
How to Install Metal Railing On Concrete Steps

If you are looking for extra safety in your concrete steps, then you can install a metal railing on them. The metal railing will reduce the risk of falling and will improve the safety of the railing. Sometimes, working on concrete steps is really difficult.

Especially when you try to install metal railing on concrete steps, you need to follow certain things. In some cases, it will require professional help to do it. So before setting up the metal railing, it is also very important to know how to install it.

In this writing, we will briefly discuss how to install metal railing on concrete steps. So, keep reading!

Tools that you need:
To install metal railing on the concrete steps, you need some professional tools. Without those tools, you will not be able to work in the concrete steps. But if you hire a professional, they will have all those professional kits to do the job. Those tools may include:

  • Hammer drill
  • Core drill
  • Allen Wrench
  • Different sizes bolts
  • Hammer
  • Tape measure
  • Vacuum
  • Hack saw and many more

The process to install metal railing:
The work procedures are not the same in all cases. You need to locate first where you want to install the metal railing. Some concrete steps are not parallel to the wall. That is why when you need to install the railing, you have to drill directly into the concrete. Below is given a step-by-step process.

Step 1: Look at your location:
The first and very important step is to survey your location to install the metal railing. You need to make sure that the concrete steps are suitable for installing the metal railing. All concrete stair is not the same, some are big in size, and some are small and parallel to the wall. If you do not know which one you should go for, you should contact a professional to install it.

Step 2: Measure the concrete steps:
The next thing you need to do is to measure the concrete steps. It is very important to know about the steps' size and dimension before installing the metal railing. To measure, you can use a measuring tape and start from the bottom. Try to measure the length and width first.

It is also very important to get a clear measurement. Because if you make some mistakes. As a result, your metal railing will not be fitted in those steps. So try to be careful when you will measure. When you are done with the measurement, you need to order the metal railing according to that measurement.

Step 3: Order and test the railing:
The next step you need to do is find a reputed railing company and buy the right size railing. After that, you need to test the railing to the concrete steps if they fit properly or not. Not only these, but you will also get an idea of what it is going to look like when you install it. So try to test first, or else you will have no option for adjustment once you install it.

Step 4: Mark and drill holes in the base:
Mark the place with a marker where you want to place the metal railing base. It is important to mark the place correctly because if you make a mistake, then the railing base will not be fitted properly. Then the next thing you need to do is, drill the marked holes. You can use the hammer drill in this step.

Step 5: Place the concrete anchors:
Before placing the anchor, you need to clean up the place with a vacuum cleaner so that there is no dust or debris. Then find the hole and place the concrete anchors. You can use a hammer to put it into the hole. You need to place the anchors firmly so that it is strong enough to hold the entire base.

Step 6: Tighten the bolts:
Once you will have done placing the anchor. The next thing you should do is; you need to tighten the bolts. The tighter the bolts are, the more long-lasting it would be. In the initial step, you can use your hand to tighten the bolts, then use the Allen Wrench to tighten them.

Create pressure as much as you can to tighten the bolts. Keep in your mind that these bolts will hold the entire railing base, so it has to be that strong to hold the frame. When you will be done with it. You will see the extra layer of bolts is there. Try to trim the bolt's end by using a hack saw.

Step 7: Drill holes into the metal railing:
Nowadays, most of the metal railing comes along with the holes and advanced setup. But if your railing does not have any hole for screws or bolts. Then you need to drill into the metal railing to set it up. After drilling, you need to place the railing into the bolts of the ground carefully.

Step 8: Place the metal railing:
The final step you need to do is to place the metal railing. Place the metal railing parallel with the base correctly. Find the bolts and try to place them accordingly. After placing, you need to tighten the bolts of the metal railing. Make sure that your metal railing is firmly stable with the base.

If you find the metal railing is not stable, you can use a lock washer and nut to make it more stable. If your railing has any wall bracket, you need to place it with the bracket, or else it will not hold its base firmly. After doing all these things, you should good to go with your metal railing.

The bottom line:
Installing or setting up a metal railing in your concrete steps is not a complex task. If you know how to do that, then you can easily do it by yourself. You also follow the above steps to install a metal railing in concrete steps or stairs.

But you find the following steps really difficult for you, and then you can seek help from a professional. You can learn and research more about railing service and information. Hopefully, this writing will help you to Install Metal Railing on concrete steps?

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